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The mind works behind one's back...

Welcome. Here you may find information about my current activities as a composer, performer, writer and speaker. If you have a project, such as a video or animation which is in need of a cinematic score, or simply wish to see/hear what I am up to in my work, feel free to look around, send me a note and/or subscribe. Or simply say "hi"--I have never met a stranger.


Very Best!

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White Earphones

Why "TriviumQuadrivium" ?

triv·​i·​um | \ ˈtri-vē-əm  \

Definition of trivium


: a group of studies consisting of grammar, rhetoric, and logic and forming the lower division of the seven liberal arts in medieval universities

qua·​driv·​i·​um | \ kwä-ˈdri-vē-əm  \

Definition of quadrivium


: a group of studies consisting of arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy and forming the upper division of the seven liberal arts in medieval universities

Because the Master of One is the Uniter of None.

Music Composition is for me the most convenient access point of all of these disciplines. By definition, it is combinatorial, expressive, and a place where confluences of elements may be significantly generative of forms, in sometimes very sophisticated ways, and still speak to us on a simple, and beautiful, if not sublime plane. 
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