The mind works behind one's back...
Welcome. Here you may find information about my current activities as a composer, performer, writer and speaker. If you have a project, such as a video or animation which is in need of a cinematic score, or simply wish to see/hear what I am up to in my work, feel free to look around, send me a note and/or subscribe. Or simply say "hi"--I have never met a stranger.
Very Best!
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Why "TriviumQuadrivium" ?
triv·i·um | \ ˈtri-vē-əm \
Definition of trivium
: a group of studies consisting of grammar, rhetoric, and logic and forming the lower division of the seven liberal arts in medieval universities
qua·driv·i·um | \ kwä-ˈdri-vē-əm \
Definition of quadrivium
: a group of studies consisting of arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy and forming the upper division of the seven liberal arts in medieval universities